Election packets will be available Monday, Mar. 7, for the Associated Student Council. Executive officers up for election include President, Legislative Vice President, Administrative Vice President, and Student Affairs Vice President. Council member positions include three representatives each from the campus’s three colleges, a graduate student representative, and two positions for at-large representatives.
Election packets are due by Tuesday, April 4, at 5 p.m., and can be picked up at the A.S. Office in the U.C. South Lounge.
Candidates are required to gather between 50 and 150 signatures, depending on the position. Associated Students provides candidates opportunities to meet constituents and produce short introductory videos.
Time commitments for A.S. offices vary depending on the position and level of responsibility. Stipends are available.
The Associated Students Council is elected each spring and serves as the officially recognized voice of the student body. AS is directly involved with 23 student-run programs, including the Graduation Pledge Alliance, the HSU Children’s Center, the Youth Educational Services, and more.
More information is available online at humboldt.edu/associatedstudents.