Special Ed Prof Joins HCAR Board

Dr. Jayne McGuire, an Assistant Professor in the Special Education Credential program at Humboldt State University, has been elected to the Humboldt Community Access and Resource Center’s board of directors.

Dr. Jayne McGuire, an Assistant Professor in the Special Education Credential program at Humboldt State University, has been elected to the Humboldt Community Access and Resource Center’s board of directors.

HCAR, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2005, provides services that help people with developmental disabilities connect to the community.

Prior to joining the faculty at Humboldt State, McGuire taught high school special education and was a leader in non-profit initiatives to provide recreation and community inclusion for people of all abilities. She has also been active in the Special Olympics, and served as the Head Snowboard Coach for Team USA in the 2005 World Games in Nagano, Japan.

Her current research focuses on self-determination and the impact of recreation programming on people with disabilities.

For more information about HCAR, call 443-7077.