Student Wins Award at SACNAS Annual Meeting

HSU undergraduate Biology major Pamela Ward won an award for outstanding poster in Marine Sciences at the recent Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS) held in San Jose on Oct. 27–30.

Co-authors of the poster were Reginald Blackwell, also an undergraduate Biology major and Professor Sean Craig of the Department of Biological Sciences. Their poster is entitled: "Preferential settlement of the invasive bryozoan Watersipora sp. on red algae in the genus Prionitis." Pamela and Reginald are both interns in the HSU Undergraduate Research and Mentoring Program in the Biological Sciences Program that is funded by the National Science Foundation.

A total of 15 HSU undergraduates attended the meeting and presented 10 research posters. The students were accompanied by Jacquelyn Bolman, Chair of the Indian Natural Resource Science & Engineering Program, and Professor Matt Johnson, Chair of the Wildlife Department.