
Chris Aberson

Chris Aberson, Professor and of the Chair Department of Psychology, recently published an R package called "BetterReg for Calculation of Useful Statistics for Linear and Logistic regression.” The package was accepted to the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), the primary repository for R pack

Chris Aberson

Cal Poly Humboldt Psychology faculty and numerous students presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Convention in San Francisco this last weekend. Lead presenters included Academic Research M.A.

Brandilynn Villarreal

Brandilynn Villarreal, Psychology, was featured in an article on “Increasing the Diversity of CSU Faculty” as an alumna of the CSU Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program. This program prepares future faculty to teach the diverse students of the CSU.

Gregg J. Gold

Gregg Gold along with co-authors from the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and the UCSF School of Medicine published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) titled “Calling Out Aversive Racism in Academic Medicine.” The NEJM (impact factor 91.245) is “the most widely read, ci


Chris Aberson, along with Academic Research M.A. graduates Latisha Jett-Dias and James Clifton recently published a paper titled Contact, Threat, and Attitudes toward Same-sex Marriage and its Beneficiaries in the Journal of GLBT Family Studies.

Chris Aberson

Amber Gaffney, Associate Professor of Psychology co-chaired a symposium titled Identity motives and the rationalization of polarization: Research, practice and a call for inclusive leadership and gave a talk titled To the victor belongs the spoils (the ability to fundamentally change political pa

Chris Aberson

Chris Aberson, Professor and of the Chair Department of Psychology, recently published a paper titled Building Interactive Tutorials for Teaching Psychological Statistics Online with learnr in Technology Innovations in Statistics Education.

Chris Aberson of the Department of...

Chris Aberson of the Department of Psychology recently received the Western Psychological Association’s Outstanding Teaching Award for 2021. The Western Psychological Association is the oldest and largest division of the American Psychological Association.

Chris Aberson, Professor of Psychology was...

Chris Aberson, Professor of Psychology was recently named Associate Editor of Collabra Psychology. Collabra is an official publication of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science.