Humboldt State University American Indian faculty, staff, and students will host the 25th Annual Indigenous Peoples Week October 8-12. HSU events and activities are focused on Indigenous issues, ideologies, and methods.
Indigenous Peoples Week challenges the idea that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America and a reminder of the atrocities and injustices against Natives of the Americas. HSU’s effort to find an alternative celebration to Columbus Day across the California State University system has been part of a nationwide movement. In 1992, Berkeley, California, became the first U.S. city to celebrate Indigenous People’s Day instead of Columbus Day. As of 2017, nearly 60 cities across the country have embraced Indigenous Peoples Day, according to Time.
Monday, Oct. 8
Noon, UC Quad
IPW Kickoff
3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Goudi’ni Gallery
Honoring Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women
Indigenous students, faculty, staff will be wearing red
5 – 7 p.m., Native Forum (BSS 162)
“Finding Dawn” screening and discussion
Acclaimed Métis filmmaker Christine Welsh puts a human face on a national tragedy – the epidemic of missing or murdered Indigenous women in Canada. Discussion led by Native American Studies faculty.
Tuesday, Oct. 9
10 a.m., KRFH (105 FM)
Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women student panel discussion
3 – 5 p.m., Native Forum (BSS 162)
“More Than a Word” documentary and discussion
This documentary analyzes the Washington, D.C., football team and their use of the derogatory term R*dskins. Using interviews from both those in favor of changing the name and those against, “More Than A Word” presents a deeper analysis of the many issues surrounding the team’s name. It also examines the history of Native American cultural appropriation. Discussion led by ITEPP staff.
Wednesday, Oct. 10
10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Goudi’ni Gallery
“Sing Our Rivers Red” Sewing Circle
The Sing Our Rivers Red (SORR) is a traveling earring exhibit aimed at bringing awareness to the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women and colonial gender-based violence in the United States and Canada. SORR events strive to raise consciousness, unite ideas, and demand action for Indigenous women, girls, Two Spirit people who have been murdered or gone missing, tortured, raped, trafficked, and assaulted, and who have not had the proper attention or justice. Participants will have an opportunity to sew donated earrings onto a blanket for the next phase of this traveling exhibit.
Noon – 1 p.m., Brero House 93
Indian Teacher and Educational Personnel Program (ITEPP) Open House
5 – 6 p.m., Native Forum (BSS 162)
Native American Rangelands
Guest lecture by Delane Atcitty, Director Indian Nations Conservation Alliance
Thursday, Oct. 11
1 – 4 p.m., Goudi’ni Gallery
“Sing Our Rivers Red” Sewing Circle (description above)
4 – 5:30 p.m., Native Forum (BSS 162)
Dancing on Tears: Tribal Resilience
Discussion with Vincent Feliz, Kishan Lara-Cooper (Child Development), and Ellen Colegrove (Child Development)
5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Native Forum (BSS 162)
“The Eagle and the Condor”
Film screening and discussion with Rain Marshall, J.D.
7 p.m., KHSU
“Thursday Night Talk – Race Beat”
Friday, Oct. 12
Noon – 1 p.m., Walter Warren House #38
Indian Natural Resources, Science & Engineering Program (INRSEP) Open House
12:30 – 1:30 p.m., Goudi’ni Gallery
Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
Database and mapping with Allie Hostler and Annita Luchessi