Gabriel Goff won second place for a graduate student in the Biological and Agricultural Sciences category. Goff, a Forestry major, won for his project “Physiological responses of Quercus garryana to conifer encroachment and removal in Northern California.” He is advised by Forestry Professor Lucy Kerhoulas.
Goff is among several HSU students who participated in the annual event that brought together over 200 outstanding student researchers from the 23 CSU campuses to compete for research awards in discipline-based categories. Judges included experts from corporations, foundations, public agencies, and colleges and universities.
“These students are all passionate about their research, which represents the academic rigor of all three colleges at HSU,” says Kacie Flynn, Interim Executive Director of HSU’s Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Foundation. Flynn also praised the students’ faculty advisors. “HSU faculty are dedicated to integrating research into the students’ education and serve as mentors to our students.”
The other students who competed in the 33rd Annual CSU Student Research competition were:
Jessie Armendariz, Graduate, Kinesiology
“Effects of Wild Blueberry Drink on Fat Oxidation during Cycling in Healthy, Active Males”
Faculty advisor: Taylor Bloedon, Kinesiology
Adrien Bouissou and Ian Cullimore, Undergraduates, Biological Sciences
“Distribution of western thatching ants (Formica obscuripes) and their effects on soil conditions in a coastal dune ecosystem”
Faculty advisor: Erik Jules, Biological Sciences
Chant’e Catt, Sonya Woody, Ashley Bradshaw, and Katelyn Harris, Graduates, Social Work
“Educated Landlord and Tenant Program”
Faculty advisor: Jen Maguire, Social Work
Andrew Hahn, Graduate, Kinesiology
“The Effect of Interval Intensity on Time to Exhaustion and Metabolic Profile during HIIT Running in Recreational Runners”
Faculty advisor: Young Sub Kwon, Kinesiology
Megan King, Undergraduate, Biological Sciences
“Loss of lgl1 affects cellular migration and anchorage independent growth and increases sensitivity to mTOR and MAPK signaling of murine neural progenitor-like cells”
Faculty advisor: Amy Sprowles, Biological Sciences
Angel Lomeli, Graduate, Kinesiology
“The Effects of Secondary Cognitive Tasks on Performance of the 3-Meter Tandem Gait in Concussed and Non-concussed Individuals”
Faculty advisor: Justus Ortega, Kinesiology
Spencer McLintock, Graduate, Environmental Resources Engineering
“The Use of UV Light for the Treatment of Cyanotoxins in Small-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Systems”
Faculty advisor: Margarita Otero-Diaz, Environmental Resources Engineering
Carrisa Pritchard, Graduate, Anthropology
“Assessing Craniofacial Variation and Sexual Dimorphism in a Skeletal Sample from Medieval Prussia”
Faculty advisor: Marissa Ramsier, Anthropology
Nathan Tamayo Hernandez, Graduate, Kinesiology
“Performance Profile for Tabata Intermittent Training on Treadmill”
Faculty advisor: Young Sub Kwon, Kinesiology