The awards support the professional development of faculty and staff who demonstrate outstanding promise in their first five years of employment. Thanks to the generosity of donors to the Humboldt-ERFSA grant program, $6,000 was awarded to these 10 worthy applicants this year.
MORGAN BARKER, Sustainability Librarian, University Library, for “Sustainable Libraries Initiative certification for Cal Poly Humboldt.”
STEPHANIE CORIGLIANO, Instructor, Religious Studies, for “Research and Study of Tibetan Buddhism at Gomde California’s Buddhist Studies Summer Program.”
CAGLAR DOLEK, Professor of Sociology, for “Marginalized Poor & Radical Imagination: A Teaching Development Project.”
TAWANDA GARA, Professor, Environmental Science & Management, for “Retrieving Tree Species Diversity Via Leaf Functional Traits Using Remote Sensing.”
ANNA E. GOLDMAN, Museum Curator of the Department of Wildlife, for “Borneo Field Course: the Importance of Natural History and how it Incorporates Ecology and Conservation.”
SARAH LASLEY, Professor, Department of Art + Film, for “Climate Control—an Experimental Documentary on Climate Anxiety/Dissonance and its Intersection with Recent Advancements in the use of AI Chatbots.”
JENNIFER MARLOW, Professor, Environmental Science & Management, for “44 Feet: Vulnerabilities, Opportunities, and Strategies for Managing Risk from Sea-Level Rise to Humboldt Bay’s Spent Nuclear Fuel Site.”
SAMANTHA PUENTES, Senior Accountant & Financial Analyst, Accounting department, for “Certified Management Accountant Certification.”
TANI SEBRO, Professor, Department of Politics and International Studies, for “Scholars and Activists at Risk in Burma Studies.”
HO YI WAN, Professor, Department of Wildlife, for “Increasing the use of Trail Cameras and Spatial Data to Improve Undergraduate and Graduate Education and Research in Wildlife Science.”
These outstanding projects include students in creative and innovative ways. We congratulate the winners for their creativity and scholarship. Humboldt-ERFSA grants are awarded annually, and all faculty, lecturers, administrators, and staff are encouraged to apply in their first five years of employment. Go to erfsa.humboldt.edu for more information.
Note: This announcement was sent on behalf of the Cal Poly Humboldt Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association (Humboldt ERFSA).