Arts And Entertainment

Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle Film Screenings

To introduce four documentaries with new footage that explore the history of civil rights in America, the HSU Library will offer a series of screenings followed by facilitated discussions led by HSU faculty during the 2014 Campus Dialogue on Race, Nov. 3 – Nov. 7.

Jazz Orchestra and Symphonic Band Share A Concert at HSU

HSU Jazz Orchestra pays tribute to legendary composer and pianist Horace Silver, and the Symphonic Band plays lesser-known gems by classic 20th century composers in their shared concert on Saturday October 4 in Fulkerson Recital Hall.

Goudi’ni Gallery Exhibit Features Klamath/Modoc Artist Natalie Ball

The Goudi’ni Native American Art Gallery at Humboldt State University invites the community to view mixed-media art in its latest exhibit, “Natalie Ball: Solidifying the Past with the Present.” The exhibit opens with a reception for the artist on Thursday, Sept. 25 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and runs through Oct. 18.

Humboldt Bay Landscape Painters

Humboldt State University's First Street Gallery presents "Humboldt Bay Landscape Painters: Paintings by Andrew Daniel, Mimi LaPlant, Kathy O’Leary and Stock Schlueter" Sept. 30 to November 2. The exhibit is part of a series addressing Humboldt Bay, the second largest enclosed bay in California.

Music Faculty Collaborate in Annual Welcome Concert

HSU Music faculty members perform in their annual Welcome Concert to celebrate the new school year 5 p.m. Saturday, September 6 in Fulkerson Recital Hall. The planned program includes jazz, percussion, original compositions and a tango ballet as well as pieces by Bach, Brahms and Dvorak and will be followed by a reception in the Music Lobby.

Annual Humboldt State Faculty and Staff Art Exhibit

Humboldt State University presents the annual Art Department Faculty and Staff Exhibition Sept. 11 through October 4 at the Reese Bullen Gallery on campus. An opening reception for the artists will be held Sept. 11 from 4-6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

A Negotiable Utopia: The Humboldt Bay Project

Humboldt State University First Street Gallery presents, "A Negotiable Utopia: The Humboldt Bay Project." The exhibition features six observational documentary videos and accompanying essays by interdisciplinary artist Cynthia Hooper and a monumental, to-scale, sculptural, Humboldt Bay model by ceramic artist Mary Mallahan. This multimedia exhibition explores the physical and cultural geography of Humboldt Bay—California’s second largest estuary. The exhibition will be on display starting September 30, running through November 2.

Joan Gold: A Joyful Eighty at HSU First Street Gallery

Humboldt State University’s First Street Gallery presents, _A Joyful Eighty_, a large collection of new paintings by artist Joan Gold, which will be on display July 5 through September 7. Gold’s exhibit will occupy both rooms at the gallery, affording visitors a comprehensive experience of the artist’s work at this stage in her eightieth year.

From the Duke to Britney with HSU Jazz Orchestra

HSU Jazz Orchestra plays a Duke Ellington classic, a brand new arrangement of Horace Silver’s “Peace,” and a Britney Spears tango in Spanish. Sort of. It all happens Saturday, May 10 in Fulkerson Recital Hall.

Humboldt Symphony Features Concerto Competition Winner

Humboldt Symphony performs Alexander Borodin’s most popular symphony, plus Grieg’s piano concerto and a festive work by Spanish composer Joaquin Turina in two concerts at HSU, Friday evening May 9 and Sunday afternoon May 11 in Fulkerson Recital Hall.

First Actresses Ever Are “Playhouse Creatures” at HSU

Confronted by Puritan disapproval and royal lust, they pioneered a new profession as the first women actors ever to appear on the English stage. Their story is told in “Playhouse Creatures,” performed for two weekends at HSU beginning April 24.

Traveling Native Exhibit Visits Humboldt State

Filled with historic and contemporary photographs, food specimens, memoirs, and recipes, baskets, and other artifacts, “Seaweed, Salmon, and Manzanita Cider: A California Indian Feast” is a new statewide traveling exhibition from the Grace Hudson Museum and Exhibit Envoy. Included in this exhibit are artifacts from Native Tribes in Humboldt County and throughout California. Humboldt State University in conjunction with the Art Department’s Museum and Gallery Practices Class invites the community to attend the opening reception on Thursday, April 17 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

HSU’s 2014 Graduates Exhibit Their Art

The “2014 Art Graduates Exhibition, on display in the Reese Bullen Gallery April 24 through May 17, showcases the work of current students receiving art degrees from HSU and concludes the gallery’s Humboldt State University Centennial Year Exhibition Series. A public reception and brief awards ceremony will take place Thursday, April 24 from 5-7 p.m. A closing reception will held be May 17 following the HSU College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Commencement Ceremony.