Alumni Stories


Meet Our 2018 Distinguished Alumni!

Humboldt State University has been recognizing the achievements of alumni since 1960 when the University launched its annual Who’s Who Award. This year, we celebrate six alumni who have been recognized as leaders in their fields and have been outstanding contributors to their community, nation, or Humboldt State University.


Making it Big On the Air, in Kazakhstan

It’s Friday night in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, where locals are catching the latest episode of "Hello, Птича!" (“Hello, Little Bird!”), Kazakh broadcaster Novoe TV’s weekly English-lan


40 Years Later, Alumni Walk in Commencement

Graduation is always a special day. This year, commencement was especially meaningful for two alumni, who participated decades after they finished their educations at HSU.

HSU Honors 2017 Distinguished Alumni

Humboldt State University’s 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award winners are Kellie Johnson (’93, Political Science), Ken Pimlott (’88, Forest Resource Management), and Michael T. Rains (’68, Forestry Management, ’71 Watershed Management).

Sarah Wilber: Finding Opportunities in the Trash at Six Rivers Brewery

When Sarah Wilber (‘14, Communication, ‘16 M.B.A.) was growing up, it was her father who encouraged her to explore the world and seek new challenges. With this advice, Wilber came to Humboldt State. And for the last five years, she’s learned that keeping an open mind to new experiences is key to seizing life’s opportunities.

Lessons in Life and Business Found in Fish

Leading people and caring for fish have a lot in common. Designing an office is like creating a fishpond; taking care of an office is like nurturing a habitat; and running a business is like fostering an ecosystem. This is the business world according to Po Chung (‘69 Fisheries Management), who founded and led DHL International and is now leading an effort to reform education in Hong Kong.

HSU Honors the Year’s Distinguished Alumni

Humboldt State University has been recognizing the achievements of alumni since 1960 when it launched its annual Who’s Who Award. Distinguished alumni are individuals recognized as leaders in their fields, and/or outstanding contributors to their community, nation, or Humboldt State University. Here are this year's winners.


Humboldt Magazine: Fitter for Duty

Local firefighters and law enforcement officers are benefiting from a fitness program developed by Kinesiology Professor Young Sub Kwon. Read about it in the fall edition of Humboldt magazine.

Students and parents gather in San Diego for a Freshmen Send-off party

Student Send-Offs

More than 300 new HSU students and family members joined Forever Humboldt for Send-Off parties throughout the state. Chatting with alumni, new Lumberjacks gained valuable information on local