
HSU Tops at U.N. Forum

Humboldt State students in the Model United Nations program won four Meritorious Delegation Awards and finished among the top three performers for the second year running at the recent Model United Nations of the Far West Conference in San Francisco. The awards recognize outstanding academic preparation for, and participation in, the conference. HSU International Studies major Jonathan Linton was named Rappateur, or best delegate, in the economic and financial committee.

Kennedy Center Honors Theatre, Film & Dance

Assistant Professor Rae Robison and several Humboldt State University students were honored for their achievements at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival held at California State University at Los Angeles.

Making a Difference in Special Ed

HSU alum Deborah O'Banks ('05/'06), a Special Education teacher and Hearst Scholar at Trillium Community Charter School in Arcata, imbues her students with confidence.

She knows how. Her own confidence is self-taught.

An apostle of the work ethic, Ms. O’Banks is a single mother of four, a committed service giver, youth group leader, Horse 4-H teacher, church volunteer, house builder, chainsaw wielder and motorcycle mechanic.