
Electric Vehicle Charging Network Expands on North Coast

Please Join the Redwood Coast Energy Authority and Schatz Energy Research Center to celebrate the Grand Opening of nine new public electric vehicle charging locations on the North Coast Electric Vehicle Charging Network. The ribbon cutting will be held on Thursday, April 28 from 12pm to 1 pm at St. Joseph Hospital located at 2700 Dolbeer Street, Eureka.

HSU Boosts Campus Composting

Humboldt State University is taking a big step toward reducing its food waste with the introduction of a broad food waste program that promises big results.


Schatz Lab Team to Study Uganda’s ‘Energy Staircase’

A study in Uganda by Humboldt State University researchers will explore what happens after people make the switch from kerosene lamps to solar-powered products and how flexible financing influences adoption of off-the-grid technology.

Campus to ‘Power Down’ for Big Energy Savings

Humboldt State can save energy and reduce emissions by powering down ventilation systems, switching off office equipment and take other steps that will have cause minimal disruption and be generally unobtrusive.


Community Garden Takes Shape

Alec Howard knew next to nothing about gardening. As a Humboldt State student now, he's focused on sustainability, greening up campus with his “HSU”-shaped community garden and growing a community along the way.

Local Food Experts Gather to Talk ‘Farm to Table’

From organic produce to specialty foods, the North Coast region is known for its focus on locally produced products. But how accessible and sustainable is healthy food in Humboldt County? Experts will gather at HSU for a daylong symposium to probe these questions and look at how food systems affect local citizens.

HSU Signs on to White House’s Campus-Focused Climate Pledge

Humboldt State University has pledged support for the White House American Campuses Act on Climate demonstrating Humboldt State's commitment to carrying out sustainability goals and supporting strong action on climate change by world leaders.


Green Workplaces Generate Big Energy Savings

Students are helping HSU rack up thousands in energy savings while gaining skills for a green career through a statewide student-run program that promotes energy efficiency and education on college campuses.

Students Promoting ‘Kill the Cup’ Contest

It’s game on for a group of Humboldt State students who are competing against 15 other universities nationwide. The game is “Kill The Cup,” and campus culture indicates the HSU squad might be the favorite in this field.


From Parking Lots to Bay, Project Cleans Water Along the Way

Where there are cars, there is pollution. And when it rains, oil and other residues left behind on roads and parking lots are swept off the surface and deposited in wastewater systems virtually untouched. Thanks to a $1.4 million grant secured by the City of Arcata in collaboration with Humboldt State and the Northern Humboldt Unified School District, environment-friendly technology is addressing that problem throughout town.


Mercury Research Keeps Scientists In the Fog

Fog is as much a part of Humboldt County as the redwoods. In fact, with their unusual ability to take in water through both roots and needles, redwoods directly benefit from the mist-laden air.

HSU Recycling About to Get More Convenient

Humboldt State is one of 37 colleges and universities across the country to receive support from the Recycling Bin Grant Program, made possible by Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and the Coca-Cola Foundation. The program awarded HSU with 50 recycling bins, which will be used to expand waste reduction efforts at outdoor events such as football games, concerts and club fairs.


HSU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Drop Below 1990 Levels

Electricity use accounts for nearly one quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions generated at Humboldt State, while transportation emissions from business travel, commuting, and solid waste disposal are responsible for over one third of the total. Those are two of the key findings from a comprehensive inventory of HSU’s greenhouse gas emissions, recently prepared by HSU’s Office of Sustainability.