Humboldt State University, along with 15 regional partners, has received a $5.88 million grant from the Department of Energy to conduct innovative biomass research.
Humboldt State University will host a free public screening of “Becoming California” a public television documentary exploring man’s relationship with the environment 7 p.m. March 8 in the Van Duzer Theatre.
The annual Sustainable Speaker Series gets underway with Adam Browning presenting "Solar Market Development in the US: Theory, Practice, and Prognostications" on Thursday, Feb. 6 at 5:30 p.m. in Science B Room 135.
Humboldt State University will screen two films produced for the California Environmental Legacy Project—a statewide multimedia initiative designed to raise public awareness about environmental change in California—Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. in the Van Duzer Theatre.
Humboldt State has successfully kicked off its participation in the 2014 RecycleMania tournament, the national competition in which college campuses compete over eight weeks to see who can reduce, reuse and recycle the most on-campus waste.
The California Ocean Science Trust has awarded ten grants totaling $4 million to state and local agencies to conduct marine research on the North Coast, including over $2.2 million to Humboldt State University.
Fall 2013 was a big semester for Humboldt State: the university kicked-off its Centennial year with an unforgettable celebration on the Plaza; HSU students, faculty and staff made their mark both on- and off-campus and the university continued to expand its academic offerings with new programs and majors in a variety of disciplines. From student achievements to university milestones, here are some of the highlights of Fall 2013.
If you buy a sandwich at Humboldt State, it’s likely to come with locally-sourced produce, maybe a roll from a local bakery, and tofu made right here in Arcata.
But what happens when that sandwich is just a crust and some mustard stains? With the recent installation of a large-scale composter known as the Earth Tub, the beginnings and ends of that sandwich can now be managed locally, too.
Humboldt State University topped NCAA Division II & III schools competing in the 2013 Game Day Challenge, a national competition to promote waste reduction at university and college football games.
Hundreds of sustainability leaders from around the state converged in Arcata Nov. 9-10 for the fall 2013 California Student Sustainability Coalition Convergence, hosted by Humboldt State. The theme of this year’s biannual conference was “Building Sustainable Communities.”
Humboldt State University and the University of California will co-host a biomass energy workshop Thursday, November 7 at the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center.
On the bottom floor of Science D, a group of students sat in small groups discussing water turbidity, pH levels, mineral content and energy consumption.
Academy-Award winner Jane Fonda has joined a California team of distinguished scientists, educators and media producers, including Humboldt State University specialists, to create inspirational stories about the state’s changing natural environment.
Humboldt State’s Campus Center for Appropriate Technology celebrates 35 years as a university’s sustainable-living demonstration house with a day of activities Saturday, Oct. 12 on the HSU campus.
Humboldt State University and Plan it Green will co-host a lecture by world-renowned climate strategist and energy specialist Jorgen Randers Oct. 1 at 5 p.m. in the Kate Buchanan Room.
After months of collaboration among various campus groups and departments, Humboldt State has been named a top school for sustainability by STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System), a nationwide program that measures the sustainability performance of colleges and universities across the nation.
Humboldt State University is named again a “Best in the West College” in the online guide “2014 Best Colleges: Region by Region” produced by the Princeton Review, a privately held education services company headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts.
The Schatz Energy Research Center at Humboldt State University has received a $95,000 state grant to continue experiments aimed at converting biomass—slash from logging and fuel reduction efforts—into energy dense “bio-coal.”
Humboldt State University recently received a Silver Rating in STARS, a nationwide program that evaluates an institution’s programs and practices in sustainability. The rating places HSU among the nation’s leaders in sustainability.