Pianist and freshman HSU student Rebekah Downey was the regional winner at this year's California Association of Professional Music Teachers (CAPMT) state competition. She then competed at the state level, performing the music of Scarlatti, Schumann and Copland, and won second place.
Acknowledging Humboldt State's longstanding institutional relationship with Mexico's Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, HSU President Rollin Richmond addressed a letter last week to the university's president. The letter, found below, recognizes the March 21 bicentennial celebration of the birth of Don Benito Juárez, the school's namesake.
On the subject of Charles Darwin and the Galapagos, most people inevitably picture the archipelago's famed giant tortoises or speciose finches. However, it is a little known fact, even among most biologists, that Darwin's initial evolutionary insights were inspired by neither of these. Rather, it was a much lesser known group of birds -- the Galapagos mockingbirds -- that first captured Darwin's attention and catalyzed his thoughts on the roles of geography and adaptive radiation in producing new species.
The HSU Department of Music presents The Humboldt Bay Brass Band (HBBB) in concert Saturday, April 8 at 8 p.m. in the Fulkerson Recital Hall, guests ranging from the serpent to the saxophone. Music will include renaissance dance music, fanfares of the German court played on long natural trumpets without valves, and music of the twentieth century.
A hooked rug made by Susan Higgins, Dean of the College of Professional Studies, won first place in the American Folk Art Museum's international hooked rug contest in New York earlier this month. The theme was "Icons of America."
Humboldt State University First Street Gallery is pleased to present, "Lien Truong: Portrait of a Contemporary Family," on exhibition from April 1, 2006 through May 14, 2006.
Five students from HSU's music department were invited to participate in the College Band Directors National Association Intercollegiate Band, an elite ensemble of outstanding musicians from small colleges throughout the western United States. The band performed in Reno, NV, on March 18, 2006 at the western division conference of the College Band Directors National Association.
Mark Larson, professor and chairman of the journalism and mass communication department at Humboldt State University, recently received a Lifetime Achievement award from the California Journalism Education Coalition.
Two Humboldt State University students have received the distinction of winning excellence scholarships from the California Parks and Recreation Society, District I. Both hail from the College of Professional Studies and are majoring in Recreation Administration. Evan Priestly and Kelsey Glass each received $500 scholarships at the CPRS District I officers meeting held on the Humboldt State University campus February 10.
Four Humboldt State faculty members presented their research theories, designs, and results to more than 200 attendees at the first CSU Community-Based Teaching and Research Conference: Creating Knowledge and Building Community on March 3 and 4 at California Polytechnic University, Pomona.
The Shuster Aerial Photograph Collection, an exhibit of selected images of the North Coast's burgeoning post-war lumber industry and economic growth, is on display at the Humboldt State University Library through March 13 in the lobby area. It can be seen during the Library's open hours.
Humboldt State softball player Megan Sutherland appears in Sports Illustrated this week in the nationally distributed magazine's "Faces In the Crowd" feature. The March 7 issue is due out on the newstands Thursday.
Brent Duncan, Ph.D., professor and director of the school psychology program at Humboldt State University, was the recipient of the California Association of School Psychologists' (CASP) Sandra Goff Memorial Award -- the association's school psychologist of the year award -- for his outstanding contributions and distinguished service to the profession of school psychology.
Suspended by ropes and harnesses, a Humboldt State University botanist explores the canopies of the world's tallest trees. Now, thanks to a new chair -- specifically the Kenneth L. Fisher Chair in Redwood Forest Ecology -- he will be able to take this research to new proverbial heights.
Michael Crooke, first CEO of Revolution Living and former head of the famed Patagonia outdoor equipment company, will address "The Revolution of Business in the 21st Century" when he delivers the 2006 Business Ethics lecture at Humboldt State University on Monday, February 6, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., in the Kate Buchanan Room, University Center.
A story of life high in tall trees is reaching the Big Apple as The New Yorker magazine, in its current edition, profiles Humboldt State University Professor Steve Sillett's research in the canopy of old-growth redwood forests.