Campus News

Physical Education Project Update

This summer Humboldt State University, in partnership with Kiewit Construction Company, began construction of the campus's new physical education facility. The first phase of this project - the new building, including work on Union Street and Fieldhouse Lane - is scheduled for completion in October 2007. Phase 2 - demolition of the standing West Gym and Natatorium, installation of a new Redwood Bowl Plaza, and minor renovations to the East Gym - are scheduled for completion by October 2008.

OECD Spotlights “Brownfield” Redevelopment

Cleanup and redevelopment of local contaminated properties, called brownfields, will be the subject of an intensive workshop co-sponsored by Humboldt State's Office for Economic and Community Development (OECD) on Thursday, September 21, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Wharfinger Building, One Marina Way, Eureka.

Fall 2006 Convocation

Opening Meeting for Faculty and Staff
Humboldt State University
Thursday, August 17, 2006
8:30 a.m., Van Duzer Theatre

Possible Pepper Spray Discharge Sickens Student

The third floor of Sunset Hall was temporarily evacuated Sunday night, around 11 p.m., displacing about 80 students for nearly two hours, after a resident suffered nausea and vomiting upon encountering a pungent odor on the third floor hallway. Police and fire officials say student play with pepper spray was likely to blame.

Humboldt State University Media Policy

HSU's News & Information Office is here to help you with any media inquiries you may receive or publicity you wish to create. Our office is staffed with knowledgeable media professionals who will work one-on-one with you to craft the right message for your event, book publication, press release and more.

Campus Memorial Planned for Rofes

Dr. Eric Rofes, Associate Professor of Education at Humboldt State University, will be remembered at a community memorial service Friday, August 25, at 3:30 p.m. in Founders Hall Courtyard on the HSU campus.

HSU Administrators Visit PE Building Site

Marking the start of construction on its new physical education building, Humboldt State University and President Rollin Richmond hosted a pile-signing ceremony, August 16, at the site of the new building.

HSU Launches New Web Design

After six months of preparation, design, and input from the campus community, Humboldt State University launched a brand-new top-level Web site design -- live as of August 15.

HSU Hosts 15 Ecuadorian Faculty

Humboldt State University is hosting a faculty development program in English for professors from Ecuador, beginning August 21.

Campus Hosts English Workshop

Since July 24 HSU has been host to 26 international students and teachers, here to complete a four-week program on teaching and learning English through drama and theatre.

Children's Center Continues USDA Support

The HSU Children's Center has announced another year of continued support for the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, based on this year's new eligibility scale.

HSU Offers Learning for Over-50 Set

Sign-up for Humboldt State University's popular Extended Education program for adults over 50 is scheduled Sunday, August 20, 2006, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Wharfinger Building, Eureka Public Marina.

HSU Selects New Chief of Police

Humboldt State University recently completed a national search for a new Chief of University Police. Two-year-interim Chief Tom Dewey has now been officially appointed as head of the department.

Local Economy Soars on Manufacturing

The Humboldt County economy shot up 3.3 percent in May, propelled by an 18 percent surge in lumber-based manufacturing and a 13.2 percent jump in retail sales, according to the composite Index of Economic Activity assembled monthly by Humboldt State University.

Expected Student Fee Hikes Waived

The new state budget for the 2006-07 fiscal year, signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger June 30, eliminates student fee increases that were scheduled to begin this fall.

HSU Grads Win Aid Toward Doctorate

Four Humboldt State University graduates have won financial aid in the form of loans from the Chancellor's Office, enabling them to pursue doctorates in a variety of disciplines and compete for teaching positions in the 23-campus network of the California State University system.

HSU Welcomes New Advancement VP

Dr. Robert Gunsalus, Humboldt State's newly appointed vice president for university advancement, arrived on campus last week, eager to assume his new duties.

Trinidad Head Home to Observatory

In cooperation with Humboldt State University, Trinidad Head is now home of the fifth global baseline atmospheric observatory, operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL).

HSU Tops in Efficiency Initiatives

Humboldt State University has won two awards from the Office of the Chancellor, California State University -- one for best practices in paper recycling, the other for energy conservation.

Burges Assumes Vice Provost Slot

Dr. Jená Burges, currently assistant vice president for academic affairs at Longwood University, in Farmville, Virginia, joins Humboldt State University as vice provost for academic programs and undergraduate studies, effective July 1.

HSU Appoints Assoc. VP of Enrollment

Humboldt State University has announced the appointment of a new associate vice president of enrollment. Mr. Michael Reilly, currently the associate vice president for enrollment management at Central Washington University, will be welcomed to campus on August 1, 2006.