James Kealey, a student from HSU's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, recently won a "best talk" award (and a $50.00 check) at the West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (WCBSURC) at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
Six more schools on the Redwood Coast will hold classes next year in conjunction with the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), the statewide organization that instructs low-income and immigrant parents on how to navigate the school system and find educational opportunities for their children.
Students from Humboldt State University's Service Learning Center organized a collaborative, regional food drive in the months of March and April that raised 2,776 pounds of food and an additional $2,320 for Food for People, the Eureka food bank.
Humboldt State University’s 2007 Commencement on May 12 marked the 20th anniversary of its famed Graduation Pledge of Social and Environmental Responsibility, an oath conceived by HSU undergraduates that has since won the allegiance of young people from coast to coast and as far away as Asia.
About 2,500 graduates and credential recipients crossed the stage May 12 when Humboldt State University held its 2007 Commencement ceremonies, bringing some 15,000 attendees to Redwood Bowl.
HSU anthropology students and lecturer Hermine Amoussou of Benin will host an evening of authentic African food and music to raise funds for the education of orphaned children in Ivory Coast in West Africa on Sat., May 12, at 6:30 p.m. at Bayside Grange, 2297 Jacoby Creek Road, Bayside.
With the help of University Information Services, Staff Council has a new email listserv to reach staff quickly when key issues and meetings arise. Despite heavy email traffic, "a listserv is one of the most efficient ways for Staff Council to 'get the word out'," the organization said in announcing the new service.
Keeping Humboldt State University in the forefront of United States renewable energy research, President Rollin Richmond presided at a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday, May 2, to commission the student-led Solar Radiation Monitoring Station (SoRMS) project, which will gather detailed data about the North Coast's solar energy resource.
The Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA) will host an open house from 5:00 to 7:00 PM on Wed., May 9 2007 featuring eight new energy displays designed and constructed by HSU students as part of a local Service Learning partnership.
The Humboldt State University Alumni Association recognized three exceptional alumni during its 2006-2007 Distinguished Alumni Awards banquet dinner, April 19, on the Humboldt State campus.
Some 138 guests were in attendance to celebrate honorees Ken Fisher, Wesley Chesbro, and Michelle Kelly, who have each exemplified the great leadership and contribution to the community and environment that has long been part of the Humboldt Spirit.
The HSU Library has been offered the Tim McKay Papers and the late Mr. McKay's collection of thousands of historic postcards. Widely remembered as the long time director of the Northcoast Environmental Center in Arcata, Mr. McKay also had extensive connections with the University.
Humboldt State University and College of the Redwoods embark on their second consecutive Book of the Year partnership with The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini as the 2007 selection.
The HSU Junior Social Work Methods Class invites the community to attend the free, culminating event of its spring semester when a variety of groups will have their voices heard, representing the community's older adults, youth from various backgrounds, young parents, veterans, and people with mental health issues, on Tues., May 8, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Kate Buchanan Room.
Information Technology Services (ITS) is exploring options for improving HSU email and calendaring systems. A campus-wide committee was formed early spring semester 2007 to evaluate the current email system and seek out solutions that would enhance and improve overall communications both on and off campus.
Dr. Jayne McGuire, an Assistant Professor in the Special Education Credential program at Humboldt State University, has been elected to the Humboldt Community Access and Resource Centers board of directors.
Some of HSU's most outstanding undergraduates, nominated in eight categories of excellence by faculty, staff and fellow students, were recognized at the recent Outstanding Student Awards ceremony in the Kate Buchanan Room on April 23.
Psychology Department students and faculty will present 17 posters and an invited workshop at the Annual Western Psychological Association (WPA) conference in Vancouver, BC, May 3rd -7th . The meeting is the nations largest regional psychology conference with 1500-2000 attendees each year.
In their combined spring concert, the HSU Percussion Ensemble and the celebrated Calypso Band provide a new definition of heavy metal when they perform in the Van Duzer Theatre on Sat., April 28 at 8:00 p.m.
What goes on in a young woman's mind about the guy shes been kissing? How can a couple of secret agents save the world? What prompts a boy to realize his mother doesn't love him? Is there really a reason to get off the couch and go to work? Can you ever be free, or is freedom just another box?
These are some of the questions that eight HSU student playwrights address in the fast-paced form of the ten minute play.
A map created at Humboldt State by Cassandra Hansen, 2006 Geography alumna, has been selected for the 2007 National Geographic Award in Mapping by the Association of American Geographers. According to the head judge, Hansen's entry was part of the most eclectic and accomplished group of entries in the three years I have been a part of the review process. For the first time, we invited entries from Europe and the United States. The award comes with a $1200 cash prize.
As you may recall from earlier communications regarding the budget, there are four main causes of the persistent deficits at HSU. First, our campus provides a unique mix of high-quality and high-cost academic majors, small class sizes and a high proportion of tenured or tenure-track faculty that are largely unrivaled in the CSU.
In its first year, the HSU Department of Government and Politics' Model United Nations program garnered three Meritorious Delegation awards at the 2007 Model United Nations of the Far West conference in San Francisco last weekend. The Meritorious Delegation Award recognizes academic excellence in preparation and participation at the conference. The three awards earned by HSU placed it in the conferences top three performers.
Humboldt State students can donate a portion of their meal points between now and April 27 as part of a regional food drive organized by the HSU Service Learning Center.
First, and foremost, we would like to express and send our deepest sympathy to the families and friends of the victims at Virginia Tech. We are also very supportive and empathetic to the students, faculty, and administrators who are attempting to cope and respond to this tragedy, said Steven Butler, HSU Vice President for Student Affairs.
Humboldt State University Library, in conjunction with KEET-TV, Morris Graves Museum of Art and Humboldt Arts Council (MGMA), Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), and North Coast Preparatory Academy (NPA), is offering outreach in the local community through screenings, discussions, workshops, and cultural events beginning this June.