All News

Jazz Legend Wows Humboldt State

He’s won ten Grammys, an Oscar and scores of international awards; he was the first jazz musician to field a platinum jazz album and last Friday night, legendary keyboardist, Herbie Hancock, played to a packed crowd at Humboldt State’s Van Duzer theater.

Reese Bullen Gallery Hosts Kay Kang Art Exhibit

Humboldt State University’s Reese Bullen Gallery presents works by San Francisco artist Kay Kang. A community reception is set for Thursday, Nov. 8, from 5 to 7 p.m. The exhibit then runs from November 8 through December 8.

Solmitz Archive Exhibit

The Solmitz Archive Exhibit in the HSU Library Lobby, November 6-26, shows the effect of Nazi regime on one Jewish family from Hamburg, Germany, whose descendants are now dispersed all over the globe.

Students Pursue Graduate Ed

“As a sophomore, my friends told me it was too soon to start thinking about graduate school….boy were they wrong! Everyone here is telling me I am on the right track!”

HSU’s Laudable Quiz Bowl Showing

Once again Humboldt State students have shown they have what it takes to make a name for themselves in rigorous academic competition.


Dialogue Premiers Kite Runner

The story of how Humboldt State University landed an advance screening of “The Kite Runner,” one of the most anticipated movies of the year, during the 10th annual Campus Dialogue on Race dates back more than a year.

Alumnus Lands Top DOI Post

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne today praised the U.S. Senate’s confirmation last night of Lyle Laverty (HSU '65) as Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.

Electronic Accessibility for All

It would be difficult for most members of our higher education community to envision 20 years ago the extent to which they would communicate electronically. The technology rich environment in which we conduct our business has no doubt provided new ways for persons with disabilities to access a college education and pursue their dreams. That same technology has also presented unintended barriers. It is therefore imperative that campus communities build capacity to create electronic accessibility for all.

Pianist Debuts in HSU Concert

Sonatas by Mozart, Brahms and Aaron Copland highlight the November 10 concert at HSU by violinist Cindy Moyer and, in her debut appearance in the Faculty Artist Series, pianist Ching-Ming Cheng.

International Education Week

Humboldt State University is joining with education institutes around the world to celebrate International Education Week on November 13 – 15. This occasion is being organized jointly by the International Resource Committee and the Global Connections Club. It will be the fifth year that ‘all things international’ at HSU have been showcased by this event.

HSU Hosts Ocean Energy Forum

Potential threats to ecosystems, the state of technology and why Humboldt's coast is ideal for a wave-energy generation site were all discussed at a public forum hosted by the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) held at HSU on Tuesday, Oct. 23.

Campus Dialogue on Race

Islam and Afghanistan will be a major focus of the 10th annual Campus Dialogue on Race, a nine-day event that features noted speakers, panels and workshops devoted to the topic of racial understanding.

Lighting the Way

Professor Arne Jacobson works to bring efficient light and solar power to Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa, where kerosene and fuel lamps pose health and environmental problems, stifle education and economic development.

Lt. Governor’s Trip Cancelled

Humboldt State University had planned to host Lt. Governor John Garamendi on Wednesday, October 24th. However, due to the fires in Southern California Garamendi had to cancel his visit. He was planning to hold a “Listening Tour” with Humboldt County education, business and labor leaders, students and members of the community.

Local Composer Rediscovered

In its only local appearance this year, the Humboldt Bay Brass Band will revive a lost work by a local composer from several generations ago.

Science Students Honored

For the second straight year, a Humboldt State University student organization that encourages Native Americans and Latinos to pursue careers in science has received accolades for its strong showing at a national conference.


Professor Helps Reduce Bullying

Bully Magnet—it’s a particularly apt term teens use to describe the unfortunate kids that bear the brunt of schoolyard bullies. Chris Byrne (’80) is intimately acquainted with the phenomenon—in his 22 years as the school psychologist at Sunnybrae Middle School in Arcata, Byrne has seen his fair share of shoving, taunting, groping and the like.


HSU Celebrates Graduation Pledge

Twenty years ago, Humboldt State students and community members started a revolution with just 21 words: “I pledge to thoroughly investigate and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job opportunity that I consider.”

BSS Building Dedication

With a crowd of more than 200 guests present, the Behavioral and Social Sciences building was dedicated in a ceremony on Friday, October 12. The ceremony was held in the courtyard between the two BSS structures. The HSU Calypso Band opened and closed the festivities. President Rollin C. Richmond presided.

Giving to HSU Shows Big Increases

Humboldt State University is thanking alumni today for an 84% increase in the number of them who made a gift to the institution last year. This information comes from a recently submitted annual report on 2006-2007 academic year giving to the American Council on Education.

HSU Wins $1.25 Million Grant

The United States Department of Education has awarded Humboldt State University a five-year, $1.25 million Classic Upward Bound TRIO grant to provide early outreach, encouragement and support to 50 students at six high schools in Humboldt and Trinity Counties: Arcata High, Hoopa High, South Fork High, Trinity High, Hayfork High and Southern Trinity High.

Snyder Maps Future of OAA

Bob Snyder, Humboldt State University’s new second-in-command, names three overriding priorities for the Office of Academic Affairs, the division he leads in his new dual role of interim provost and vice president.

New PE Facility on Track

The next several months will be devoted to installation of the roof system and installation and construction of the swimming pool at Humboldt State University’s new $42.8 million Physical Education Facility.


HSU’s Living Classroom

The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology is rebuilding after being moved to a new location, offering another generation of students the chance to learn skills that lead to a greener future. CCAT’s Grand Reopening was Saturday, September 29th.

HSU Helps Close Digital Gap

Humboldt State University (HSU), in partnership with Redwood Coast Rural Action (RCRA), has been awarded $500,000 for a prototype project to attract high-speed broadband service to every Redwood Coast community in the four-county region.