Dr. Chris Aberson, HSU Associate Professor of Psychology, has joined the editorial board of "Teaching of Psychology," regarded as the field's top outlet for information on the scholarship of teaching. The journal is considered indispensable as a source of teaching methods and a forum for new ideas.
Don Wolski, host of the Bayside Hayride show on KHSU radio and a Humboldt County technology pioneer, died at his Bayside home early Monday morning at 56 after a long battle with brain cancer.
The HSU Alumni Association has announced that Wesley Chesbro, Ken Fisher and Michelle Kelly will be honored as the university's Distinguished Alumni for 2007 at a dinner and awards ceremony Thursday, April 19. The event will be held at the Kate Buchanan Room on the HSU campus, cocktails will be served at 6 p.m., dinner is scheduled for 7 p.m., with awards ceremony to follow. The Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet is the most significant annual event produced by the Alumni Association with a heritage dating back to 1960.
Youth Educational Services, a nonprofit, student-run organization, will hold its annual Serve-a-Thon at the Manila Community Center on Saturday, March 24.
HSU's vaunted Men's Basketball Team mounted a stunning comeback in the second half of the championship round with the San Bernardino Coyotes Monday evening, but lost a 68-66 squeaker in the very last second.
People with social support have fewer cardiovascular and immune problems, HSU Associate Professor of Psychology Tasha Howe tells the online publication WebMD.
Humboldt State University should convene a near-term forum on the Next Generation Internet that would enable stakeholders statewide to consider a prototype new-media institute on campus, a Bay Area technology leader told an audience here last night.
Professor David J. Vogel, who holds the Solomon P. Lee Distinguished Professorship in Business Ethics at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, and is Editor of the California Management Review, will speak on "The Market for Virtue" on Wednesday, March 28th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Kate Buchanan Room at HSU.
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), in collaboration with the China Center for International Education Exchange (CCIEE), has chosen Humboldt State University as one of five new United States institutions to participate in the Sino-American “1+2+1” Dual Degree Program.
British playwright Caryl Churchills acclaimed comedy of gender politics initially appeared in the late 1970s, with its first American performance in the early 1980s. Since then it has become a classic, performed in regional and university theatres across America and in other parts of the world.
Designed to foster staff awareness and initiatives campus-wide, HSU's Staff Council is strengthening efforts to enlarge its membership and stake out a greater voice for staff in campus governance.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a three-year, $610,917 grant to the Computing Science Department at Humboldt State University (HSU) to finance the Coalition for American Indians in Computing (CAIC) project, one of only 12 such projects funded nationally among the 104 grant proposals submitted to the foundation.
Engineers at Humboldt State University's Schatz Energy Research Center (SERC) are designing and will install a campus hydrogen fueling station to support a hydrogen-powered Toyota Prius for two years as part of California's Hydrogen Highway Program and the Schatz Center's world-renowned initiatives to foster the use of renewable energy.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $610,917 to the Computing Science Department at Humboldt State University (HSU) for three years to implement the Coalition for American Indians in Computing (CAIC) project.
The key to success in the classroom is a personal relationship between teacher and student that fosters the pupil's total well-being, not just academic achievement, Kimberly Oliver, the 2006 National Teacher of the Year, said in a speech at Humboldt State University Feb. 2.
Humboldt State University Reese Bullen Gallery welcomes the return of Jonathan Higgins in Full Circle: Recent Prints from Manneken Press. Higgins, an alumnus of HSU, Master Printer, co-founder of Manneken Press and fine artist returns with prints by eight artists who have worked with him at Manneken Press. The work is executed in both experimental and classic printmaking techniques and includes a range of aesthetic styles.
President Richmond saluted HSU employees with 30-plus years of service and presented the annual Staff Recognition Awards at the Spring Welcome Jan. 10 in the Kate Buchanan Room.
Freshman applications to Humboldt State University for Fall 2007 have shot up 15% compared to last year, building on the record freshman class fielded in August.
The exhibit "Northwestern California Forest Communities" continues at the HSU Library through January 29, celebrating the Library's contributions to Calisphere, an exciting new web site launched by the California Digital Library in August. Calisphere is a free public gateway to thousands of primary sources that reveal the diverse history and culture of California and its role in national and world history. The HSU Library is one of 19 California libraries selected in 2005-06 through the California State Library to digitize 225 of local historical documents to add to Calisphere
News filtered throughout the Humboldt State football program and the entire Athletics Department on Wednesday regarding the tragic death of Lumberjack student-athlete Kenny Edwards, who died in an accident on Christmas Day.
Dear HSU Community Member:
As you know, I recently invited Manuel A. Esteban, our former Provost and the President Emeritus of CSU Chico, to spend a few days on our campus to advise us about the budget reductions we must make in order to bring our expenditures into line with our revenue for the 2007/2008 fiscal year that begins July 1, 2007.
Accepting the recommendation of the Faculty Awards Committee of Humboldt State University's Academic Senate, President Rollin Richmond has named Dr. Christina Accomando, Associate Professor of English, Ethnic Studies, and Womens Studies, Outstanding Professor 2006-2007.