
HSU Construction Team Takes On The Competition

For the first time ever, the Humboldt State Construction Management Team went head-to-head with other institutions, including Arizona State University and Cal Poly San Louis Obispo, in the 21st annual Associated Schools of Construction competition in Sparks, NV. The competition, which ran Feb. 14 and 15, pitted HSU against 137 teams representing a total of 34 universities from 15 states.

Students Propel Renewable Energy

Arcata - Thanks to a Humboldt State University engineering class, a non-profit partner and two local contractors, a Del Norte County ranch is now being powered year-round by an off-grid renewable energy system.

HSU Hosts Sustainability Expert

Arcata – Gil Friend, the global communications pioneer, will deliver the 15th Annual Chung-Watson Lecture in Business Ethics at Humboldt State University on Wednesday, February 27th at 3:00 p.m. in the Kate Buchanan Room, University Center. It is free and open to the public.


No parking required

"Oh man, this is gonna be a full bus." "There's already two bikes on the front. It's always like this on the bus to HSU." Don't be surprised. These aren't complaints about a broken system. It's the Jack Pass and it's a system that seems to be working well.

Richmond Endorses Sci-Tech Debate

Arcata - Humboldt State University’s chief is backing a combined elite/grass roots movement enlisting 2008 presidential candidates to debate a clutch of science, technology and medical issues that the movement believes are crucial to the nation’s well-being.

HEIF Energy Proposals Due Mar. 3

Arcata – Completed proposals from currently enrolled students are due Monday, March 3, for the first clean energy projects to be financed by the Humboldt Energy Independence Fund, a student program aimed at further reductions to Humboldt State University’s environmental footprint.


For the Birds

When oil-covered birds began washing ashore following a massive oil spill in San Francisco Bay last November, wildlife responders became overwhelmed and put out a call for experienced helpers. Tamar Danufsky and three volunteers from Humboldt County headed to the scene.

High Tech No Climate Panacea

Arcata – High technology and bio-fuels cannot by themselves reverse manmade climate change, and dramatic changes in such realms as land use by local government will be required, Humboldt State alumnus and keynote speaker Panama Bartholomy (’01) told Focus the Nation participants January 31.

Focus The Nation At HSU

Arcata – Humboldt State University alumnus Panama Bartholomy (’01) will weigh "The Heroic Challenge Facing Today's Youth" as the local keynote speaker in “Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for America National Teach-In and Town Hall Meeting.”

Learning in a tropical classroom

For some disciplines there is simply no substitute for rigorous fieldwork. HSU’s Anthropology Department, understanding this need, is offering an intensive field program that takes students to one of the world’s premiere biological spots in Costa Rica.

Focus The Nation At HSU

Arcata – Humboldt State University will be among 1,100-plus educational institutions participating in the “Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for America National Teach-In and Town Hall Meeting” at the end of the month.


Environmentalist Named Top Prof

“Students should be explorers, not followers” That is the creed of one of Humboldt State University’s top environmentalists, Carolyn Ward, named Outstanding Professor of 2007/2008.

Student Innovates for Fire & Light

With an energy bill that runs somewhere around $15,000 a month, reducing your energy use by as much as 30 percent would seem like a dream come true. For the Arcata-based dinnerware makers Fire & Light this is about to become a reality, thanks to an innovative design from HSU Applied Technology senior Ben Davis.

HSU Shows Well at Soils Conference

Humboldt State University Professor Susan Edinger Marshall and Wildland Soils major Rosemary Records presented a poster titled "Soils-Based Evidence for a Former Salt-Marsh; Jarosite and Buried A Horizons (Humboldt County, CA),” at the Soil Science Society of America Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

Lighting the Way

Professor Arne Jacobson works to bring efficient light and solar power to Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa, where kerosene and fuel lamps pose health and environmental problems, stifle education and economic development.


HSU Celebrates Graduation Pledge

Twenty years ago, Humboldt State students and community members started a revolution with just 21 words: “I pledge to thoroughly investigate and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job opportunity that I consider.”

BSS Building Dedication

With a crowd of more than 200 guests present, the Behavioral and Social Sciences building was dedicated in a ceremony on Friday, October 12. The ceremony was held in the courtyard between the two BSS structures. The HSU Calypso Band opened and closed the festivities. President Rollin C. Richmond presided.


HSU’s Living Classroom

The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology is rebuilding after being moved to a new location, offering another generation of students the chance to learn skills that lead to a greener future. CCAT’s Grand Reopening was Saturday, September 29th.

Richmond Hails CCAT Reopening

Social and environmental responsibility is the essence of Humboldt State University and the Campus Center of Appropriate Technology embodies that ethic, HSU President Rollin Richmond said at CCAT’s Grand Reopening Sept. 29.

Green Wheels Leads Car-Free Day

Green Wheels, a Humboldt State University Club, is leading the fifth annual Car-Free Day celebration today (Thurs., Sept. 20) with bicycle rides around the Arcata Plaza, a free community-sponsored breakfast on campus and activities on the Quad. HSU President Rollin Richmond took part in riding around the Plaza early this morning.

HSU Student Wins $1,000 Soils Scholarship

Arcata - “What I love about soil is how it unifies terrestrial life and scientific disciplines,” wrote Humboldt State University student Rosemary Records in an essay that has won her the $1,000 Paul J. Zinke Memorial Scholarship from the California Forest Soils Council (CFSC).

Disney Funds HSU Genetic Research

Arcata – The Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund has awarded $23,600 to Humboldt State University’s Micaela Szykman Gunther, Assistant Professor of Wildlife Management, to conduct genetic research of the critically endangered African wild dog.

Colwell Lecture/Dinner September 12

Mark Colwell, HSU Scholar of the Year and Professor of Wildlife Management, will deliver a free lecture, "Wintering Sandpipers and Breeding Plovers: Conservation based on Monitoring Individuals," on Wed., Sept. 12, at 5:00 p.m. in Van Duzer Theatre. A dinner will follow at 6:30 p.m. in the University Center Banquet Room. Information is available at 826-5194.

Pledge Leadership Conference

Humboldt State University will host students and the community at the 2007 Leadership Conference, Ignite: Lighting the Passion Within, Thursday through Sunday, October 4-7. Coinciding with the conference will be a commemorative celebration of the 20th Anniversary of HSU's Graduation Pledge of Social and Environmental Responsibility will coincide with the conference.

Eaton Is Top Environmental Fellow

Alexander Eaton, a master’s candidate in Environmental Systems at Humboldt State University, has won a $15,000 Fellowship from the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation, Belfast, Maine, in support of his research as Executive Director of the International Renewable Resources Institute (IRRI) in Mexico City.