Ever wondered if wearing a backpack could affect the way you walk? Two HSU students recently teamed up with Kinesiology Professor Justus Ortega to find out.
Hydrogen experiment kits created by Humboldt State’s Schatz Energy Research Center are now being used by chemistry students at the Florida Institute of Technology.
Vanessa Crandell (’13) has been fascinated by the Earth for as long as she can remember. In kindergarten, she’d fill her backpack with rocks from the playground and bring them home after school. One of her earliest memories was taking a class field trip to a volcano in the second grade. “It was my first introduction to plate tectonics,” she recalls.
_Do our lifestyle choices affect our lifespan? And is our obsession with cleanliness making us sick? HSU students explore these questions and more at HSU’s first undergraduate anthropology research symposium 6 p.m. Nov. 29 in the Native American Forum._
Stephen C. Sillett, the first Kenneth L. Fisher Chair in Redwood Forest Ecology at Humboldt State University, and his colleagues have confirmed the second-largest tree on earth, about 3,240 years old, above a trail junction in Sequoia National Park, according to the latest edition of National Geographic magazine.
The Humboldt State Anthropology Department will host its first-ever undergraduate research symposium 6 p.m. Nov. 29 in the Native American Forum on the first floor of the Behavioral and Social Sciences Building.
HSU Sociology student Rachelle Irby (’12) has received a 2012 Sustainability Leadership Award from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), the national organization that advances sustainability in higher education.
Will Goldenberg tossed a handful of peanuts onto the concrete, hoping to lure the Steller’s Jay from its nest outside Founders Hall. After a few minutes, the blue and black bird popped out of a bush and hopped over to the pile of nuts scattered on the ground.
Humboldt State has purchased three new instruments and has begun remodeling existing space to support student and faculty research in the earth, physical and biological sciences.
Humboldt State University Biological Sciences Professor Jianmin Zhong has received a three-year, $353,500 grant from the National Institutes of Health to advance innovative tick research.
Del Norte County and Adjacent Tribal Lands should further localize their farm-to-market sector with Community Supported Agriculture networks, according to a detailed analysis by the non-profit California Center for Rural Policy at Humboldt State University.
Graduate student Brandon Namm is putting the finishing touches on a multi-year research project that investigates an area few scientists have ventured before: Underground to understand the root systems of the tanoak.
Engineers at Humboldt State’s Schatz Energy Research Center (SERC) are using their expertise in sustainable technology to increase clean water access in the developing world.
Sometimes one plus one is more than two. HSU is committed to improving campus communications. It's also is committed to developing undergraduate research. Mix the two together and the result is an intriguing, synergistic project.
Beth Larson, lecturer and Coordinator for Humboldt State’s North Coast Concussion Program, is used to taking challenges head-on. But her research, which was recently discussed in the New York Times’ health blog, suggests that soccer players could benefit from cutting back on heading the ball.
Specialized audio research by Humboldt State anthropology lecturer and alumna Marissa Ramsier (’03) indicates that one of the world’s smallest primates probably has an ultrasound warning system within its social groups.
For Clara Lazen, 10, a classroom assignment turned into a scientific finding. As Chemistry Professor Robert Zoellner confirmed, the fifth-grader's curiosity led to a new molecule, and her first mention in a scientific journal.
Sheila Kelly grew up in a family that encouraged sports over video games and outdoor activities over television. As a child, she played soccer, basketball and softball, and as an adult, she worked as a group exercise instructor and personal trainer while pursuing her Ph.D. in Kinesiology at Michigan State University.
Since hitting the market in 2003, personal locator beacons have saved hundreds of people from life threatening wilderness situations. The satellite-linked emergency devices alert search and rescue teams to the precise location of a person in danger and can often mean the difference between life and death.