
China-Tibet Field Studies Program Celebrates 12th Year

“Fenced round with snow, the headland of all rivers, where the mountains are high and the land is pure." Though spoken by an anonymous Tibetan poet centuries ago, these words continue to inspire HSU undergraduate students to explore and document the geography of the Tibetan Plateau.

HSU Named Top School for Fulbright Scholars

Humboldt State has been named a top school for Fulbright scholars by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Three HSU faculty members received awards in 2013-14, making Humboldt State a leading producer of Fulbright scholars among U.S. master’s institutions.


HSU Program Enriches Local Science Teachers

Lucia Boyer picked up the tiny jellyfish with tongs and dunked it into a bath of liquid nitrogen. With the cauldron still smoking and sizzling, she transferred the frozen organism into a freeze dryer, where low temperature and a vacuum would eventually transform the ice directly into gas.

Institute for Student Success Aug. 20 on HSU Campus

Humboldt State University will host the fourth Institute for Student Success, a one-day professional event for staff, faculty and administration, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 20 on the HSU campus.

Schatz Lab Gains $95K Biomass Research Grant

The Schatz Energy Research Center at Humboldt State University has received a $95,000 state grant to continue experiments aimed at converting biomass—slash from logging and fuel reduction efforts—into energy dense “bio-coal.”

Geography Student Wins National Mapping Award

Geography student Alina Taalman (’13) has won the Arthur Robinson Award for Best Printed Map in an annual competition hosted by the national Cartography and Geographic Information Society.

HSU’s Schatz Lab Leads World Solar Foray

An international agency has adopted a new technical standard led by the Schatz Energy Research Center at Humboldt State University that harmonizes national quality assurance requirements for solar-powered light-emitting diode devices (LEDs).

HSU Hosts Talk on Cannabis Dispensary Research

Research findings of medical marijuana dispensaries will be the subject of the last of the spring speaker series of the Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research on Monday, April 29, at 5:30 p.m. in the Native American Forum adjoining the Behavioral and Social Sciences Building at Humboldt State University.

What Motivates Students to Bike, Walk to Campus?

We all know the benefits of walking and biking to work or school: improved health, decreased pollution and an increased sense of community. But when it comes time to make the decision to walk or drive, why do so many of us chose the unhealthier alternative?

Schatz Lab Part of $1.75 Million Clean Energy Project

The Redwood Coast Energy Authority in Eureka is the proposed recipient of $1.75 million in state funding for a community-scale renewable energy implementation project, in partnership with Humboldt State’s Schatz Energy Research Center (SERC).