
Record-breaking Year for Grants at HSU

Humboldt State faculty, staff, and student researchers were awarded a record-breaking $36 million in new grant funding—an increase of $13 million from the previous year—administered and secured by HSU’s Sponsored Programs Foundation (HSU SPF).


Study: Humboldt Bay Bivalve Business Has a Big Local Impact

As the oyster capital of California, Humboldt Bay’s bivalve business is big for the region, with a local economic impact of about $20 million in 2016, according to a survey conducted by Humboldt State University and California Sea Grant researchers.

Professor Honored for Innovation and Leadership

HSU Professor of Social Work Jennifer Maguire, who has conducted groundbreaking research into student food and housing insecurity, is among 26 faculty members in the California State University (CSU) system who received Faculty Innovation and Leadership Awards for their commitment to student success.

Schatz Microgrid Project Wins International Energy Award

A groundbreaking renewable energy project led by Humboldt State University’s Schatz Energy Research Center won the 2018 Project of the Year Award for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Integration at the annual DistribuTECH conference held this week in San Antonio, Texas.


Humboldt Minds in a Harvard Forest (Video)

In a forest 3,000 miles away, two Humboldt State students explored the ecological mysteries of seedlings and leaves for a prestigious internship through Harvard University.

Students Head to System-wide Research Competition

Nine Humboldt State University students have been selected to represent the campus at the 31st Annual California State University Student Research Competition, April 28 and 29, at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.